This Friday seemed to drag on. Maybe it was because I knew that Will was going to take Madison and Aspen hiking today, and I was anxious for some time alone. Either way, I had to get a bit creative with our time together. I decided we would take part in more tummy time and see what Madison's reaction would be if she was in front of a mirror. (This mirror will eventually be hung, but tasks seem to stay on the "to-do" list much longer with a baby) She loved looking at her self. She lifted up her head better than I have ever seen. Funny, the things I take pride in now. I did some sit ups next to her and Aspen decided to join the party. Madison also decided to keep rolling onto her back, very impressive, but not conducive to picture taking.

Just a few more pictures of Madison. Lately, she has really wanted to sit up on her own. You can not really tell, by she is lifted off of my knees and holding herself up. The picture of just her face is her leaning so far forward she is almost face planting into the camera.
And the day to myself was pretty great. I took a nap, but unfortunately, kept "hearing" Madison and waking up. I felt like I was doing something terribly wrong by sleeping through her crying and I would wake up in a panic. So I guess you can take the baby from her mom but not the mom from the baby, or something like that.
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