Look at the difference three months makes!
The middle picture is of me pacing the lobby of the hospital for two hours the day before Madison was born.
The other two were of me right before I went out last night to meet some moms for wine and pizza. (Will said I needed to work on my posing, so these are my best efforts)
I never posted these last pregnancy photos because I was a bit bothered by how swollen and huge I looked. Now, looking back, I feel I can laugh about it. My body clearly needed to gain all that weight, despite my best efforts to slow the gain down. And now my body is shedding that weight.
I was overly concerned with the weight and the change in my body during pregnancy. But now that I am on the other side of things, I have a much better perspective. My body was a vessel in which Madison was formed. Where her perfect little, smelly fingers grew. Where her personality developed and all her unique qualities were formed; every miniscule detail originated inside of me. And now my body is working extremely hard to keep her alive. To give her all the nutrients she needs in order to grow her double chins and arm rolls. Simply amazing.
Even though there are parts of my body that do not at all look the same, I am surprisingly ok with that. I am impressed at the progress my body has made. I can feel slight abdominal muscles beginning to develop again. I can hold Madison for long periods of time. I am able to run for longer than five minutes. I can carry a 20 pound carseat and drag a 90 pound dog up two flights of stairs.
I am thankful that this change has occurred in me. I want Madison to see me taking pride in what my body can physically do instead of what number is on the scale. I want her to know that her body is wonderful and uniquely made to fit her.
My views on certain things have changed since having Madison. One of those views is my take on God's love for us. I look at Madison and see perfection. I can not even imagine how much that feeling is magnified when God looks at us. If Madison was to ever think anything negative about herself, my heart would break. I am sure that is how God's heart breaks whenever I think negative thoughts about myself. We are ultimately the result of God's handy work and to insult that in anyway has got to be devastating for him.
I am sure I could write pages on how much I have changed in these last three months (like, how I can now cry about almost anything, commercials, songs, ball games (my heart just breaks whenever batters are slamming the pitcher's throws), news stories, seriously anything, it is ridiculous)
Well, baby is grunting and a smile is waiting for me, so I must go.
The middle picture is of me pacing the lobby of the hospital for two hours the day before Madison was born.
The other two were of me right before I went out last night to meet some moms for wine and pizza. (Will said I needed to work on my posing, so these are my best efforts)
I never posted these last pregnancy photos because I was a bit bothered by how swollen and huge I looked. Now, looking back, I feel I can laugh about it. My body clearly needed to gain all that weight, despite my best efforts to slow the gain down. And now my body is shedding that weight.
I was overly concerned with the weight and the change in my body during pregnancy. But now that I am on the other side of things, I have a much better perspective. My body was a vessel in which Madison was formed. Where her perfect little, smelly fingers grew. Where her personality developed and all her unique qualities were formed; every miniscule detail originated inside of me. And now my body is working extremely hard to keep her alive. To give her all the nutrients she needs in order to grow her double chins and arm rolls. Simply amazing.
Even though there are parts of my body that do not at all look the same, I am surprisingly ok with that. I am impressed at the progress my body has made. I can feel slight abdominal muscles beginning to develop again. I can hold Madison for long periods of time. I am able to run for longer than five minutes. I can carry a 20 pound carseat and drag a 90 pound dog up two flights of stairs.
I am thankful that this change has occurred in me. I want Madison to see me taking pride in what my body can physically do instead of what number is on the scale. I want her to know that her body is wonderful and uniquely made to fit her.
My views on certain things have changed since having Madison. One of those views is my take on God's love for us. I look at Madison and see perfection. I can not even imagine how much that feeling is magnified when God looks at us. If Madison was to ever think anything negative about herself, my heart would break. I am sure that is how God's heart breaks whenever I think negative thoughts about myself. We are ultimately the result of God's handy work and to insult that in anyway has got to be devastating for him.
I am sure I could write pages on how much I have changed in these last three months (like, how I can now cry about almost anything, commercials, songs, ball games (my heart just breaks whenever batters are slamming the pitcher's throws), news stories, seriously anything, it is ridiculous)
Well, baby is grunting and a smile is waiting for me, so I must go.
If it makes you feel better, I watched the world series game last night where the Cardinals pulled through in the end and I started weeping because I was so happy for them. I don't really even care about the team (except for Berkman, he's pretty much my favorite ever), but it was just such a happy moment. Brandon just rolled his eyes...
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