... and I am not talking about some dance moves, but rather how I have been feeling. I think the over two week sickness has really thrown me (us, aspen included) off our groove.
I really thrive off of social interactions, exercise, and cleanliness. Those seem like a random mix of things, but everyone one of those items took a hit the past couple of weeks.
Because of the sickness, we were not able to attend our usual swim lessons, play dates, mom's night out, etc. I also did not have enough energy to exercise and I did not think it would be a very generous gift to give others what I had at the gym. And when I am sick, I can literally feel the germs crawling over everything, its like no matter what I do I can not get anything clean enough. So the combination of all of these things, has made my outlook a little more grey.
Madison has also had some sleep regression issues, as in she has forgotten that she needs to sleep. So putting her down for a nap, is met with a screaming fight and she has been waking up a lot more at night again. I am crossing my fingers it is just teething, but who knows. Babies, they like to keep parents on their toes.
I have found myself mentioning wanting to run away a few more times than I probably should, but I know its just because life has been a bit out of whack lately. (but I am pretty sure a part of Will thinks I might really run away, don't worry though because I would for sure get lost and would not survive a minute on my own....)
All this to say, we have not had much time to just enjoy each other and our little family. I did get out last week for a park adventure because Madison was boycotting her nap. It is always good for me to step outside of my little world and get some perspective.

How could this not cheer me up??
Tonight, Will and I have a date. One of the mom's from our playgroup so generously offered to watch Madison after hearing about our hotel stay fiasco. I also squeezed one more date out of the week by asking Will's sister to watch Madison on Thursday. Hopefully, we will be back on track and leave this funky monkey funk.
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