1. This is what Madison looked like in the morning when my mom went to get her. I think that Madison might have woken up my mom even less than her dog, princess, does.
2. They spent a lot of time playing on the floor, but Aspen had to supervise.
3. Snuggling with grandma. Madison already misses her and is bored with me.
4. Helping grandma put clean sheets on the bed.
5. Eating like a big girl at the table.

More swim lesson photos. It is nice to have my own little paparazzi following me around. I can not wait for Madison to explore the water in Hawaii (two more months, eek!)

These pictures are from before my mom came in town. She was trying out different ways to wear Will's hat.

This is also before my mom came. This is when the big snow storm hit.
This is the dress I found to wear at the Military Ball my brother is taking me to in Hawaii. I am really excited about getting dressed up for something. Will thinks I should just wear it around the house, but what do men know?
I think that pretty much sums up our past two weeks. Madison is making the grunting noise in her room that signals it is time for me to go get her.
I will put her seven month photos up later, yikes, seven months!!!
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