* She still weighs about 15.5 lbs. I had to take her to the doctor for her cold and they weighed her again.
* She can sit reliably on her own. She can even catch her balance if she drifts to the side, can fall forward, kick her legs out, and start rolling where she wants to go. There are still the times where she just eats it and we can hear that huge watermelon thud.
* Speaking of falling, Madison did a "first" yesterday. First time to fall off our bed, our bed that is raised eight inches higher than a normal bed. She just rolled right off, I actually have no idea how she got off the bed because I was being mom of the year and not supervising her. I keep telling myself it happens to every mom, right?
* She seems to have figured out sleep. With a little help from us letting her cry it out at night so she gets the hint she has to fend for herself. She still wakes up, but usually puts herself back to sleep. I have been feeding her around 5 am and then she goes back to bed until 7 amish. So she is in bed from 7 pm until 7 am, 12 hours, I can take that.
* She is starting to show some attachment to me. Sometimes if I leave the room when Will is home (because, I clearly never leave her in a room alone) she starts crying. I have been dropping her off at the gym when I work out and so far she doesn't even notice I am gone. I am sure she will go through a screaming phase soon.
* She has gotten really great at mimicking our noises. She is an expert at saying "hiya" "helwo" and "yay." No "dada" or "mama" yet. But, we swear she knows hi. Because when we go in to get her out of her crib, she welcomes us with a "hiya."
I am incredibly thankful for this baby girl. Even more thankful she is finally letting us sleep. I am really enjoying being a parent when my brain is some what able to process properly.
I love that I get to witness Madison's entire life first hand. I can watch her learn and grow with every passing day. I get to try and know her the best I can before she officially becomes her own person.

1. "oh, hey, mom is that the edge of the bed I rolled off??"
2. "I just need to stretch my hip. Can you help me pull my knee down just a bit further?"
3. "Gosh, I forgot about these."
4. "Is this what you wanted me to do? Smile at you? But, I just can not let my feet out of my sight again, they are way too hard to keep track of, especially if my legs are out straight, they just disappear."
* She can sit reliably on her own. She can even catch her balance if she drifts to the side, can fall forward, kick her legs out, and start rolling where she wants to go. There are still the times where she just eats it and we can hear that huge watermelon thud.
* Speaking of falling, Madison did a "first" yesterday. First time to fall off our bed, our bed that is raised eight inches higher than a normal bed. She just rolled right off, I actually have no idea how she got off the bed because I was being mom of the year and not supervising her. I keep telling myself it happens to every mom, right?
* She seems to have figured out sleep. With a little help from us letting her cry it out at night so she gets the hint she has to fend for herself. She still wakes up, but usually puts herself back to sleep. I have been feeding her around 5 am and then she goes back to bed until 7 amish. So she is in bed from 7 pm until 7 am, 12 hours, I can take that.
* She is starting to show some attachment to me. Sometimes if I leave the room when Will is home (because, I clearly never leave her in a room alone) she starts crying. I have been dropping her off at the gym when I work out and so far she doesn't even notice I am gone. I am sure she will go through a screaming phase soon.
* She has gotten really great at mimicking our noises. She is an expert at saying "hiya" "helwo" and "yay." No "dada" or "mama" yet. But, we swear she knows hi. Because when we go in to get her out of her crib, she welcomes us with a "hiya."
I am incredibly thankful for this baby girl. Even more thankful she is finally letting us sleep. I am really enjoying being a parent when my brain is some what able to process properly.
I love that I get to witness Madison's entire life first hand. I can watch her learn and grow with every passing day. I get to try and know her the best I can before she officially becomes her own person.

1. "oh, hey, mom is that the edge of the bed I rolled off??"
2. "I just need to stretch my hip. Can you help me pull my knee down just a bit further?"
3. "Gosh, I forgot about these."
4. "Is this what you wanted me to do? Smile at you? But, I just can not let my feet out of my sight again, they are way too hard to keep track of, especially if my legs are out straight, they just disappear."
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