Will came home from work on Friday really excited about this wonderful idea he had to take baby rock climbing with him and his sister, Becca. My first thought was no, because a baby left unattended is a sure target for Mountain lions. The second was, two absent minded people should not be in charge of keeping someone from falling from rocks and try and make sure a baby does not roll down the mountain side.
Will took my protest to be a stab at his parenting ability, but I assured him, I too get distracted when I have to multitask with a baby. So he decided on a location free of wild life and brought along mechanisms to insure baby stayed safe. Unfortunately, the snow cover was too bad and Will was not able to find a place to set up his rock climbing gear and they just ended up hiking. The point is, I was left alone for five hours on Saturday.
I am still recovering from a double ear infection so I slept in until 10 am and then got to work crafting. I took a learn to sew class last Wednesday and became familiar with the sewing machine my mother gave me. So I went crazy. I altered some clothes of mine, shortened skirts, cut off sleeves on shirts. I hemmed some pants of Will's. I made baby some cute onesies. I made a pin cushion. I just kept going until I literally could not think of anything else to sew.
Today, I used my practice on Saturday to attack a skirt pattern I had bought. After three hours of attempting to get past the first two instructions, one trip to Hobby Lobby to get more fabric (I screwed up majorly with the scissors), and one almost melt down, I finally finished the skirt. It was pretty frustrating, but I feel very proud of myself for sticking with it. I was again reminded that having a baby alters the way in which I use to do things. Sitting down in one day to finish something is just not going to happen. Luckily, Will played mom today and I could sew until I finished that stinking skirt.
After all that, here are some pictures of my finished work.

This is the headband I knit my friend Claire, hope you like it Claire. I am also wearing the shirt I cut the sleeves off of. It was an old shirt from my brother's high school days, now it is a little more feminine.
These are some of the onesies I made Madison. So much easier to use the machine than do them by hand.

Clearly, I have no idea how to properly model clothes. I was trying to make it known that the skirt has pockets, which means I figured out how to put pockets on a skirt, so fancy.
We also had an adventure to the rock climbing gym since Will did not get to climb on Saturday. We took baby and she did so great. Everyone loved to look at her and she loved to look at everyone and everything. I even managed to get myself up the wall after having not climbed for over a year.
OMG I LOVE the headband!!! Thank you SO much, you are so sweet.
I am jealous of your sewing abilities - I have always wanted to learn how to do it but never took the time and don't have a sewing machine. The skirt looks like it's from Urban Outfitters... before you know it you'll be opening your own boutique.
I am sitting here in my hotel in Bangkok dreading a team dinner at a Thai restaurant... I am ready to come home and would rather be in Colorado right now playing with baby girl and giving you more time to sew. <3
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