This past weekend we went on a tour of a local Whiskey Distillery. The majority of the tour was a bit over my head because I am more of a visual learner and needed to see the process versus just hearing about it. I also do not know much about making alcohol so the terminology left me scratching my head. The most interesting part was the way in which the wooden barrels used for storage add so much to the flavor and how subjective the entire process actually is. They designate one person to pick which barrels go into each batch of whiskey, so every bottle is a bit different.
Everyone in the tour got a big kick out of Madison being there. Making jokes about sticking her pacifier in the whiskey, ha. She behaved the majority of the time, she just doesn't understand how to not interrupt people when they are talking yet, so there were a few squawks at inopportune times.
Madison has been spending a lot of time rolling on the floor lately. I started having anxiety about her never learning to crawl or walk because I hold her all the dang time. So now she is spreading her wings and rolling about.
I have been going through a vanilla shake phase. Like, I want a vanilla shake every day, maybe even more than once a day. I don't feel so bad about this because it will help prevent me from losing any more weight. Well, it turns out, Aspen also likes vanilla shakes.

It has been beautiful the last couple of days here, so we have taken advantage of the outdoors. Unfortunately, the geese who poop like every two steps, also take advantage of the outdoors. So even though this looks like a relaxing trip to the park I was constantly gagging because there was geese poop within every inch of my baby. Do not even get me started on the pile I put my hand right into, I am still gagging just thinking about it. But apparently, that did not stop me from feeding my daughter in the poop infested field. Mom of the year!
Does she not look like she is grown? Sitting up all by herself, eating unassisted, so big. (except for the few moments before this when gravity rolled her all the way down the hill)

And here are my attempts of capturing a cute baby photo.
1. "Hey mom, is this the goose poop you were talking about? Are you sure I can't eat it?"
2. "Ha, you thought I would look at the camera, but no, I am just going to stare right past it."
3. "Oh, is that Aspen? Aspen, whatcha doing? How come Aspen gets to eat the goose poop and I don't"
4. "Mom, seriously, just give me the camera."
I did manage to capture one decent picture.
And that is a wrap!
Can you tell I am getting more sleep?
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