It is hard to believe last year Madison was just a little blob inside of me causing me to be in a constant fog and quite the bah-hum-bug. This year I got to snuggle her and stay up all night with her. Even though the sleepless nights are beyond rough, I was so thankful to get to share her with family this year. When she was not tired, she was very entertaining. She is enthralled with nearly everything and a Tupperware top and wrapping paper kept her attention for so very long.
1. My lovely husband and me waiting in the airport. There was a horrible snowstorm that hit the morning we were leaving for Texas. We were so relieved to make it the airport safely and on time, only to find out that the pilot was unable to leave his house, ten minutes before we should have taken off. So after a two hour delay, we made it to Texas. Madison is also on a sleep on the airplane strike, so that is fun.
2. We finally got her to sleep in the airport by walking her around. But when we were sitting down below the stroller, we looked up and saw some very curious eyes staring at us. Turns out she had pooped huge, but we did not discover this until takeoff. I am talking, she needed a new onesie, pants, and blanket, it was everywhere.
3. Madison is enthralled with her new sock monkey. Eating its foot is much more important than looking at the camera.
4. Look how happy she is on Christmas morning. Its this smile that makes waking up every hour during "vacation" worth it.
5. She loved being in new toys.

We were also able to squeeze in a visit with Claire. She is living in a beautiful new place and it was great to be able to see it. It was even more lovely to see Claire. I am sure it is just as strange for her as it is for me to see how much life has changed in the ten years we have known each other. Weren't we just eating lunch in a rat infested locker room, dreading volleyball off-season?
People keep asking what our plans are for New Years eve, my response is just laughter because that is a joke, right? There will be no fancy dress for me to wear or exciting place to go this year. But I am pretty sure I will be right where I want to be, snuggled on the couch with Will, crossing our fingers that our baby love won't wake, and crawl into bed around ten o clock.