
Today is the Day

Movers should be here shortly. Everything is in boxes. New floors are laid. House should be clean. and Will's mom is safely landed in Denver to give us a helping hand. 

I am so glad that this day is finally here. It seems it has been a very dragged out process, but tonight we will be sleeping in our new house. 

Between my camera eating sand in Hawaii and Will's camera cord magically being packed in my mom's back from when she was here two weeks ago, we do not have many pictures to show. Hopefully, soon though, very soon. 

Madison is keeping us on our toes still. She is a gooey sponge just soaking everything up. She is ten months old, TEN MONTHS. We will be having her smash her face in a cake the next time we blink.

Even though I spent a good amount of time stressing about this moving process, I feel I also spent a good amount of time trying to really enjoy the whole process. I am thankful Will and I even get to experience buying a home and making it our own together. I am thankful we will have a place to sit back and really enjoy being a family. 

So, yay to a new home, new memories, and new floors for Aspen to get hairy.


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