1. Looks like I am only posting about pregnancy again. I am now 32 weeks pregnant. I find myself still torn between anxiously counting down the weeks and a little apprehensive about how few weeks we have left. I am still feeling great, but have started to really notice the weight of the baby. I remember this with Madison, but all of a sudden I became aware of how heavy this child is inside of me. I think the baby weighs roughly 4 pounds now, that means it is a legit baby in there.
2. I crossed over into the iphone world, well, the iphone 4 world. Madison broke yet another one of my basic cell phones and I was generously given the iphone 4 from one of my friends. I am pretty thrilled it cost us no money and I can start taking better quality photos with it. I am in the process of trying to sell my ipod since I won't need it anymore. Will has already gotten on to me for using it too much, but I am just trying to figure it all out. I feel so old trying to figure out a phone that everyone else has had for years.
3. We had another snowstorm this week. I am trying to keep my perspective and remind myself we are so close to May and surely it won't snow then.
4. Madison's runny nose has finally cleared. I have been taking her to the gym again this week, so hopefully she won't catch anything else.
5. I am slowly crossing things off my before baby list. Went to the dentist yesterday, going to try and fix my chronic dry eyes today. Bought a going home outfit for the baby, it is gray and white stripped. It feels I could always add stuff to the list, but I am trying to really keep in check what is necessary and what is not.
6. I french braided Madison's hair for the first time today. She will not allow me to take any pictures of it. It is moments where she is sitting perfectly still in front of me, letting me fix her hair, I am giddy I have a girl. I always envisioned myself as a boy's mom, but now I can see where we could be a family of all girls.
I think we may head to the children's museum today when little one wakes from her nap. We have kind of run out of snowy day activities. I need some sunshine!
I have tried to french braid Georgia's hair and have not had any luck :(
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