
3 months

We made it to the three month mark, woohoo. While most things have gotten easier, we are still flailing a bit. I think that once she finally figures out the beauty of sleep, we will be golden. 

At three months:

* She is all smiles. I think the first two months were spent trying to figure out how to get her to stop screaming, I sort of forgot to really notice her personality. I am thankful I can really notice her now. She has the most captivating smile.  The toothless, full body smiles, make my heart ache because I  know how quickly they pass, but I am soaking them up now. 

* She is much more content to just be awake now. She has been pretty predictable in when she cries, she is either hungry or tired. I am so thankful for this because the not being able to fix her crying, was awful.

* She can roll from her tummy to her back. Madison was her biggest cheerleader during this accomplishment. She kept saying, "you did, liza, you did!" 

* She falls asleep on her own in the pack in play. This is huge because Madison had to be rocked for thirty minutes at this age before she would fall asleep. 

* She seems to enjoy her carseat now. This makes car rides and runs much easier on me. 

* She is still waking up quite a bit at night. We have started to give her the chance to fall back asleep when she wakes at night, so hopefully that will help her sleep longer. 

* She pulls all her shirts up to her mouth to chew ont hem. At first, we thought it was accidental, but she knows what she is doing. This causes her shirts to become soaking wet. 

* She really likes to chew on her hands. She is only able to find her thumb every few days, but when she does she sucks on to it with a passion. 


Emily Powell said...

Oh my goodness she is so cute! How did you figure out her crying issues or was it just something that had to pass?

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