
I want to blog, but....

I just can not seem to find the motivation. I want to not worry about it, but this is one of the main ways in which I record what our family has been doing. Instagram has proven to be an efficient way of jotting down quick memories to look back on, but I do not want to give up on the little blog. 

I still need to get the pictures of Madison's birthday party off of my phone. I think that I want to write a post dedicated to her turning three, but I am not sure I have it in me to be sentimental. I am much too busy raising these girls to have time to step back and reflect on their aging. I also can not comprehend how Madison was once where Eliza is and soon Eliza will be where Madison is, it blows my mind! I should write something though about my little miss... 

1. She loves her backpack and lunch box my mom gave her as a birthday present. They are for preschool that she will be starting in two weeks (yikes), but she carries them everywhere now. They are stuffed full of books and toys. She can barely carry them because they are so heavy, but she still insists on taking them everywhere. I feel that this is so Madison. 

2. She received a puzzle of Disney princesses for her birthday. She has been working on it day and night for about two weeks straight. Putting it together with our help and taking it apart, over and over again. She finally is able to do it all on her own. I just love her determined nature and how she gets fixated on certain things. 

3. She is now sharing a room with Eliza. We made the transition right before Will left for Alaska. We had attempted on several occasions and it went horribly. This time we took apart the crib and moved Eliza's pack n play into the bedroom. They sleep together really well at night and have been taking naps in separate rooms. I think Eliza loves being included and having Madison so close to her. Even when Madison talks herself to sleep and kicks the wall, Eliza will still fall asleep. 

4. We gave Madison a strider type bike for her birthday. It does not have pedals, but she learns to balance this way. She has been taking it with us on walks and is really getting the hang of it. I have really enjoyed watching her learn all these new things. 

5. Madison has figured out she can completely pick Eliza up. These past few days I have caught Madison walking around carrying Eliza. Even though Eliza is dangling by her neck in Madison's arms, she is totally delighted and smiling. Now that Eliza is so much bigger, I am getting real glimpses into their relationship as sisters. Let's just say those sibling dynamics start early! 

6. I have heard that three is a really rough age, but so far it has been pretty manageable. We will see how it is in another six months. I love being able to communicate with Madison. I really enjoy listening to what she has to say and how she is processing the world. 

I mentioned earlier that Will was in Alaska. He went to visit a friend for nine days and ten nights. I was totally on my own, but I survived. I think I realized that I can actually handle both girls on my own and do it fairly well, but it just gets to be so lonely. I ended up missing Will's company more than his help. I guess that is a good thing, it means I still like my husband for who he is! 

This is another busy month for us. I am going backpacking this weekend with some of my girl friends. I have not been backpacking since before children, so I am excited. Then this Monday we are going to Winter Park as a family. We are staying two nights in a hotel that Will found a travel voucher for. Then we are going camping with two families we are really good friends with. Madison starts school and my classes start up again. Then, boom, it is September. What a crazy summer!

Hopefully, I will bring out my real camera again and start taking pictures. We have been just soaking up every bit of summer and I love it. 


Emily Powell said...

Love your updates! You're so lucky three is easy for y'all. It's way harder than two for us :/

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