
we have been a bit busy...

between still fighting Madison with sleeping, keeping her out of the dog food bowl, making sure she doesn't cut through my finger with her new tooth, and trying to convince her to say "mama," I have been a bit too tired to blog.

But, that does not mean we have not had much going on.

This week, has been a big week for us, because...

We bought a house!

Like, seven hours ago.


We are leaving for Hawaii in like, twelve hours.

So, my mind has been a bit preoccupied and I have not been feeling very inspired to blog.

We have both been trying not to think about this week because we did not know how it would all turn out. The Hawaii trip is still up in the air. I mean, we still do not know where we will be staying or how I am supposed to restrain a crawling infant for eight hours, but I am sure it will all be great.

The reality of owning home will probably not sink in until we actually move in and even then it will take a while for us to fully realize it is actually ours.

We are gladly accepting prayers for our trip to Hawaii, if anyone feels like praying for us. Because with a baby that doesn't sleep and turns into a beast when she is exhausted, we will need them.

Can not wait to share pictures from our trip and our new house.


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