
fall fun

Will's parents came into town this past weekend. We found enough energy to head to a free pumpkin festival in Golden. This outing embodied just about everything that makes me happy; no money spent, boot wearing, mountain viewing, and family time. The only downside was the windy chill in the air, but it warmed up fairly quickly. 

The other big thing we have been working on is our back patio. Will has been trying to do it all himself, but it is a huge undertaking. We thought that we could start laying the pave stones on Sunday, but Will realized he probably needed more sand to fill the huge hole he dug. It was a bit disappointing because we were hoping to have the help of his parents to watch the girls while we worked on it, but oh well.

The girls have also decided to not sleep at the same at all during the day. This made the last two weeks really difficult for me. It is kind of amazing how well they have it timed. As soon as I lay Madison down for her nap, I will hear Eliza waking. Then as soon as Eliza is finally back down, Madison is up. I just get pretty exhausted during the day when I have no moments to just sit. This is probably why this is the only blog post I have done in the past two weeks. I am slightly concerned because my class is supposed to start on October 21. I thought that life would have leveled out by then, but I am afraid it is still quite tiring. I am not even going to mention the every two hours we are up at night. But, like I keep saying, I know that all this will get better, and we are incredibly blessed. Blessed, but tired. 

I am probably crazy, but I decided to train for a half marathon. It will be on December 22 in Galveston, when we are in Texas for Christmas. I think I just need something that makes me feel normal, running makes me feel normal.

Hopefully, the next thing I can blog about is our stone patio and how we have been sipping pumpkin ales by the fire pit.


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