
four months

Well, we made it another month. I still wish I could say we reached a real turning point in Eliza's sleep and fussiness, but I am afraid that just ain't happening. 

So I will try to keep all of her highlights from this month some-what positive: 

* I just took a quick look at the photos from the other months and it seems that Eliza is losing her hair. It is quite funny because Will got his haircut last week and now they have identical hair styles.

* She is pretty much rolling from her back to her tummy. She will arch her entire body over, but only commits to the roll occasionally. 

* She can scoot towards toys when she is on the floor. I can not believe she is already at the stage where I can leave her in one place and she will have moved by the time I check on her again. 

* She still has the most enchanting smile. She definitely knows who her family is, she greets all of us with the biggest smile (especially Madison). 

* This is probably related to the sleep issues, but I am pretty sure she still has another allergy. I am hoping to figure out exactly what her allergies are this week with a homeopathic allergist. She has improved slightly, but has still so many symptoms of an allergy and it is pretty miserable. 

* She now refuses to sleep for longer than two hours at night and usually does sleep longer than twenty minutes at a time during the day. We tried to let her cry it out last weekend, but that resulted in her screaming for hours on end without ceasing and still no sleep. Now our sleeping arrangements are essentially Will and I in separate bedrooms. Will sleeps with her the first half and I sleep with her the second half. We are kind of losing hope that there is a solution, but I am trying to just accept this as our situation and just deal with it.

* She is a drooling machine and we have to change her clothes pretty frequently. We are now putting her to sleep with out a swaddle so when we get her up she has usually drenched both sleeves from sucking on them. 

* I have done several more outings with both girls by myself. We are still running together (even though Eliza screams most of the time) and I have run a couple of errands with them. I still have not attempted a solo grocery shopping trip yet, maybe next month. 

I really had hoped that we would have had our act together by now, but oh well. Despite the lack of sleep, Eliza is incredibly adorable and have moments all day where I just want to eat her up. I just wish we could figure out what has been bothering her so she can have a chance to be a happy, well-rested baby, I know that she wants to be.



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