
Still Waiting (Part Two)...

Even when I was writing yesterday's post, my contractions were coming five minutes apart. Holy wow, five minutes, that is totally when my doctor told me to head to the hospital. (that's what I was thinking) However, my real reservation was the fact they waved through me and I could just keep on doing whatever I was doing. After hours of this, I called the hospital and they agreed I should wait until they are stronger. Few more hours, and they were indeed stronger, but I knew in the back of my mind not strong enough. But we decided to head up to the hospital anyway to see what the heck was going on.

The positive thing was I was indeed contracting, every 3 to 4 minutes. So I was pleased to know I do actually know what a contraction feels like. BUT, my progress had not changed since Monday. Pretty much my contractions are not doing anything. They called my doctor and he recommended I walk for two hours in the hospital. I knew that this would not change anything because my body is already so use to working out, but I did it anyway. Two hours later, with a bit stronger contractions, I headed back up to labor and delivery. No change, surprise, surprise.

I was thankful for this because at this point it was midnight and I was totally exhausted. I came home, took Tylenol Pm, and slept on a heating pad. The contractions came and went all night, but I was able to rest. Now I am up, and the contractions are starting to roll in again.

My doctor is a super pro- inducer, and wants me to have this baby a week ago, ha. He has already called this morning and wants me to come in so he can sweep my membranes again. I am still holding off on any drug inducing methods because I am just not sure I can handle natural birth with contractions caused by drugs.

It is baby's due date, so who knows what will happen. Now I am off to eat pancakes and then head back to the doctor.


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