
still in a rut...

This was how our week ended, stitches on Madison's forehead. 

This little incident actually starts much earlier in the week, with me getting sick, again. 

I thought I had found some new energy, new outlook for the new year, but that quickly came crashing down about seven days into it. 

Like I mentioned earlier, I had gotten a gym membership and was incredibly anxious to use it. I have used it once, new year fail. 

After class on Monday, a cough began to develop and then just take over my body. It is still lingering today, which is not really compatible with working out at the gym. 

So all last week I was trying to care for someone else, while trying to grow another human, while trying to get over another silly cold. That left little time to go to the grocery store and by Friday our pantry was bare. 

So Friday morning rolls around and my wonderful husband decides to take Madison to Starbucks and bring us back some breakfast. However, on his way into the store, while holding Madison, he trips on the curb. While he was trying to catch himself, Madison's body bent backwards, almost out of his arms, and her head made contact with the stones lining the walls of Starbucks. Blood then went everywhere. Followed by our first emergency room visit and stitches. 

Will feels awfully guilty for all of this, but if I had just not gotten sick, then none of this would be an issue. 

Madison has recovered quite well. Acting like her normal, crazy self. 

Until last night that is, when she was up half the night with a possible fever. 

Which means we were up with her half the night. 

Here is hoping that this week will actually improve and we can attempt to regain some control of our lives. Being controlled by sickness is pretty miserable for me.

Here is also hoping the next post will at least contain some pictures of me dressed, an update on Madison's growth (she is 18 months today), an update on the baby inside of me (I have a dr's appointment this week), or at least something other than me complaining about being sick.


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