
memorial day weekend and 37 weeks

I don't have much energy to blog, but I did want to post a few pictures from the weekend. Will's sister and husband came in for memorial day and we had a lot of fun spending time with them. We live pretty non exciting lives, sot he only real adventure we could think to go on was the zoo. It was a great day, but my 37 week body was struggling to walk.

Yesterday, I got the house all cleaned up again and even rented a carpet cleaner to clean the rugs. My sweet husband kindly did that for me. He did a bit of research a discovered that other pregnant women suffer from something called, "nesting," so I think he was able to realize I am not totally crazy in my desire to get everything clean.

I had another appointment today, baby is still doing great. I have moments where I think I can not go on anymore, then moments where it feels like I am hardly pregnant.

I am sure there will be nothing too exciting going on in the next few weeks. Just more cleaning and sitting. Less than three weeks now and I know how fast it will go. We will be a complete little family of four soon.


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