
38 weeks

We are two weeks away from my due date. 

This two week window is such a strange time. I know that a huge life change is about to take place, but there is no way to predict exactly when it will happen. Ideally it would be wonderful if the little bean waited until my mom came in on the 15th, but there is still that part of me that maybe wouldn't mind if they came a bit early. Yet, I know that once Madison was born, I was so thankful she was born at exactly 40 weeks, and I did not feel short changed at all in the pregnancy. 

I was feeling pretty rough after our string of visitors, but now it seems I am doing pretty well. There was a distinct feeling I got when I was about a week from Madsion's arrival, and that feeling has not hit yet. I just trying to really soak up these last few days of pregnancy and the time we have of just us three. Its just hard for me to hang out on this cliff for too long, I just want to go ahead and jump already. 

We had an overall good weekend. Will and I had some things to hash out, but that always happens when we haven't had any time to oursevles in a while. Once we recovered from our grievances, we made the most of the weekend. Will took Madison on a long bike ride and I pretty much just laid in our bed. Then Saturday night we went over to Will's bosses house and had dinner. Madison did really well playing with the sons of another coworker. We had to deck out early because we had a parenting fail of not bringing enough diapers and a toddler who kept proclaiming, "poop, i poop..." Then on Sunday we finally made it to church as a family. We then went to a beer garden with another couple and their baby. I can't wait until I get to order a beer for myself and sit in the sun, but it was still great to get out. Last night I sat in the garage with Will has he made shelves in an attempt to organize the garage. 

Now it is Monday, and I am struggling with the typical Monday blues. It is always hard for me to go from having someone else to keep me occupied with Madison, to being alone. I think we will probably just sit outside most of the day.

I am just thankful that I have made it this far in my pregnancy, so glad that there is a fully baked baby in my belly. I am excited to meet this little mystery that has been growing inside of me for ten months and get our life started as us four.


Emily Powell said...

I always love your honesty in all your posts! I know the feeling...wanting to savor something but at the same time tired of the waiting game! That can be hard.

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