
Another Thirteen Miles

This thirteen miles was almost as much fun as an actual race. Except for the lack of other runners, sweet t-shirts, aid stations, and fancy finish line. Here is the break down of how the run went...

Mile 1-2: Everything hurts. I begin wondering why I am even running . I also wonder why none of those cars driving 60 mph move over for us.

Mile 3: My right foot falls asleep. While running, you ask? Ya, I am not really sure, but it is lovely.

Mile 3-4: I am enjoying not feeling any pain in my foot, but a bit concerned that losing feeling might not be a good thing.

Mile 5: I regain feeling! I also finally find my groove. We are running down a road that has nothing but fields on either side and wonderful views of the mountains.

Mile 6: We have a follower. A sweet hunting dog decides he wants to trot along right behind us. He eventually gives up and goes back home.

Mile 7-8: All down hill. I could get used to this.

Mile 9: This is the point where Will had left some gatorade for us to drink. I have two sips and we are off again.

Mile 10: I am pretty much ready for the run to be over.

Mile 11: Another gatorade bottle. Two more sips and we take off again.

Mile 12-13: So close, but so far away. I am barely shuffling my legs at this point.

Yay! We finished. We usually end up quarreling over something during our long runs. This time it was because I felt Will was not sharing the gatorade and running too far in front of me to grab it. So we were not in very happy moods when we finished.

I am still worried I will not be able to run much more than thirteen. I know if I keep following the training program I should be fine, there is always doubt though.

We are contemplating signing me up for the half-marathon in Missoula next weekend. It was rated the Best Marathon in the country. How could I not run it?


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